This balcony rail defines the edge between the dining room and the stair to the lower level of this Asian-inspired home. The rail appears as a wide band of jewelry meticulously fabricated on a grand scale. Notice the brass rectangular tubing which forms the greater part of this intricate element. Clear tempered glass is encapsulated between each of these perfectly constructed brass pieces. Removal of the cap exposes fasteners and clips which were as finely fabricated as the brass jewelry that covers them. On the top of the brass tubing is a single piece of African Ebony, an exotic wood that matches the bar top at the base of the stairs.

This artistic divider meets a flamed granite column at its termination. The rough, satin-finished granite that makes up this column is the same material as that of the floors below. The polished finish of the floor acts as a mirror reflecting each detail above it.

Opposite the balcony rail flanking the stair is a custom-made mahogany window framed by solid stiles and rails with inset ribbon-stripe mahogany panels. To the right of this unique window, the white plaster wall is a perfect backdrop for the colorful landscape which is precisely centered in view as one walks up the stairs from the lower level. As is typical throughout this fine home, the architect has masterfully blended some of nature's most beautiful building materials.